//==========================================================================// // Flowsquare+ parameter file... -- 2020R1.0 -- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // You may directly edit this file, but follow below rules. Each // // parameter entry consists of three blocks divided by [SPACE] or // // double-slash(//). The order of these entries can be arbitorary. // // Example: // // 003:name 0.00123456789 // some explanation of the parameter // // ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ // // 1st block 2nd block 3rd block starts after (//). // //==========================================================================// ----- General Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002:cmode 0 // Simulation mode. [0] Fluid simulation mode (constant density and temperature, suitable for gas and liquid single-phase flows). [1] Thermo-fluid simulation mode (variable density and temperature, suitable for gas phase flows). 003:parallel 3 // Level of parallelism. [0] Serial (no parallelism). [1] Two, parallelism=2. [2] Low, max(2, maxThreadsAvail/4). [3] Medium, max(2, maxThreadsAvail/2). [4] High, max(2, maxThreadsAvail). 004:domx 1400 // Nominal screen size (horizontal) during simulations. (unit: pixels) 005:nx 300 // Number of mesh points in x-direction. This number may be set independent from physical domain dimensions. 006:ny 150 // Number of mesh points in y-direction. This number may be set independent from physical domain dimensions. 007:nz 150 // Number of mesh points in z-direction. This number may be set independent from physical domain dimensions. 008:lx 6 // Physical domain size in x-direction. (unit: m) 009:ly 3 // Physical domain size in y-direction. (unit: m) 010:lz 3 // Physical domain size in z-direction. (unit: m) 011:sts 100 // Start time step. A new simulation starts from sts=0. To restart, sts should be a timestep at which dump data was output in the previous simulation. 012:latts 2000 // End time step. For simulations under a trial license, this is limitted. 013:nfig 200 // Interval time step for image output. Result images are saved in the 'image' directory once in every 'nfig' time steps. Setting zero value disable image output. 014:nfile 200 // Interval time step for dump data output. Result dump data are saved in the 'dump' directory once in every 'nfile' time steps. Setting zero value disable dump output. 015:cfl 0.10 // Target Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) number, based on which the timestepping is dynamically adjusted during the simulation. Usually, cfl=0.2~0.3. ----- Boundary and Initial Conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------- 017:presW 1.0E+05 // Mean pressure. Atmospheric pressure is 1.013E+5 (Pa). (unit: Pa) 018:uinR - // X-velocity component for the RED inflow boundry. If the value is set as '-', this boundary is slip boundary in x-direction. (unit: m/s) 019:vinR - // Y-velocity component for the RED inflow boundry. If the value is set as '-', this boundary is slip boundary in y-direction. (unit: m/s) 020:winR - // Z-velocity component for the RED inflow boundry. If the value is set as '-', this boundary is slip boundary in z-direction. (unit: m/s) 021:massfrR - // A species mass fraction for the RED inflow boundry. If the value is set as '-', no mass fraction constraint is imposed on this boundary. (unit: K) ----- STL Model Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 023:unitSTL 2 // Unit used in STL polygons. [0] m. [1] cm. [2] mm. [3] inch. [4] ft. 024:xOffstSTL 3.259363e+00 // X-offset distance of a STL model. (unit: m) 025:yOffstSTL 9.575271e-01 // Y-offset distance of a STL model. (unit: m) 026:zOffstSTL -1.571389e+00 // Z-offset distance of a STL model. (unit: m) 027:xRotSTL 9.000000e+01 // Rotation angle of STL model in X-direction. (unit: degrees) 028:yRotSTL 2.700000e+02 // Rotation angle of STL model in Y-direction. (unit: degrees) 029:zRotSTL 0.000000e+00 // Rotation angle of STL model in Z-direction. (unit: degrees) ----- Physical and Model Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 031:mu 20E-6 // Dynamic viscosity of the fluid. mu is approximately 1.8E-5 (kg/m/s) for the atmospheric air at 15~25 (deg.C). For water at 20 (deg.C), mu is 1.0E-3 (kg/m/s). (unit: kg/m/s) ----- Graphics & Visualization Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------ 033:ndiv 4 // Interval mesh points between displayed visualization related objects such as vectors, streamlines and particles. #End of file